Abstract:The research on traffic situation awareness technology in terminal areas has made some achievements, but there is no clear method to optimize traffic situation in terminal areas with the help of this technology. In this paper, the concept of situation orientation in terminal areas was proposed, and the key technologies to achieve situation orientation were divided into three categories and elaborated respectively. Then, based on the traditional slot allocation model, a two-stage slot allocation mechanism was established by adding airlines’ preferences. In the first stage, a fair reference schedule was constructed for each airline; in the second stage, the reference schedule was adjusted to satisfy as many requests as possible from these airlines’ regarding the displacement of allocation in the schedule. The results of the example show that the schedule obtained according to the proposed slot allocation mechanism not only ensures fairness but also improves the acceptability of the airlines, and the positive effect of the mechanism on the traffic situation in busy terminal areas is analyzed.
Key words:
- air transport /
- terminal area /
- situation awareness /
- situation orientation /
- slot allocation
表 1 验证机场的容量约束
Table 1. Capacity constraint of selected airport
架次 进场容量
(60 min)离场容量
(60 min)进、离场综合容量
(15 min)进、离场综合容量
(60 min)8 12 5 20 -
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