Abstract:As a necessary pneumatic deceleration system in the descent and landing process of the Mars probe, the demand for Mars parachutes for connection components with small mass and large loads is increasing. In view of this situation, this paper proposes a new type of flexible connection technology, which aims to the wear of flexible fabric and the weight of the system, and improve the load carrying load carrying capacity of the connection part. The research process adopted the method of two-step analysis combined with experimental verification. The numerical model of the flexible connection was first built using the lumped parameter approach, and the findings were then used as the finite element's boundary conditions to examine each joint's contact state. Finally, the strength of the parachute was verified by the test data, and the numerical simulation results are in good agreement with the test data. The findings demonstrate that, in comparison to metal components, the flexible connection technology parachute's strength is increased by 1.67 times, its weight is reduced by 58.3%, the strain at the contact position increases as the parachute's opening speed increases, and it can withstand the load associated with opening a parachute in a Mars-like environment. These findings could be a valuable design reference for future Mars parachutes.
表 1 材料参数
Table 1. Material parameter
材料 密度/(kg·m−3) 弹性模量/GPa 泊松比 降落伞伞绳 340 39.0 0.3 软环套 760 1.1 0.3 金属连接件 7958 210 0.3 吊带 1160 13.0 0.3 表 2 试验工况
Table 2. Test conditions
工况 组合形式 加载速度/
(mm·min−1)工况1 降落伞伞绳+吊带 100 工况2 降落伞伞绳+金属连接件+吊带 100 工况3 降落伞伞绳+软环套+吊带 100 -
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