Abstract:Coreference resolution is an important task in the domain of natural language processing. Learning effective referential feature representation is a core problem of coreference resolution. It is ineffective to reflect the internal relationships between the information, such as named entities in text fragments and coreference pairs, because the majority of current research views the identification of reference text fragments and the prediction of coreference relationships as two stages of learning. This research proposes a new model of coreference resolution based on graph structure and multitask learning. It combines sequence semantics and structure information to learn referential feature vectors. A multitask learning framework is used to combine the two tasks of coreference resolution and named entity recognition. The two tasks, named entity recognition and coreference resolution, can learn from each other and get better at each other by sharing parameters in the underlying network. Extensive experiments are conducted to verify the superior performance of the proposed model.
标注类别 数量 任务 1284 方法 2091 度量标准 340 材料 771 通用 1338 其他实体 2270 共指链接 2754 共指团 1015 表 2 CSGC-3数据集统计信息
Table 2. CSGC-3 dataset statistics information
标注类别 数量 发电设备 2204 电动设备 2992 环境信息 3321 电力电缆 1046 显示设备 1543 控制器件 865 其他实体 4134 共指链接 4589 共指团 1657 表 4 CSGC-3数据集上的指代消解结果
Table 4. Result of coreference resolution on CSGC-3 dataset
% 表 6 CSGC-3数据集上的命名实体识别结果
Table 6. Result of named entity recognition on CSGC-3 dataset
% 模型 F1 MUC B3 $ {\mathrm{CEA}}{{\mathrm{F}}_{{\phi _4}}} $ NER GMCor-BERT 71.23 61.55 59.48 GMCor-Graph 70.67 59.87 58.83 GMCor-Entity 68.97 58.34 57.45 GMCor-Core 78.34 GMCor 73.82 63.23 61.69 81.13 表 8 CSGC-3数据集上的消融实验结果
Table 8. Result of ablation tests on CSGC-3 dataset
% 模型 F1 MUC B3 $ {\mathrm{CEA}}{{\mathrm{F}}_{{\phi _4}}} $ NER GMCor-BERT 67.33 58.22 56.24 GMCor-Graph 66.12 56.34 55.52 GMCor-Entity 64.45 55.21 54.73 GMCor-Core 85.79 GMCor 70.32 60.51 58.68 90.40 -
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