Computation on aerodynamic and aeroacoustic characteristics of scissor tail-rotor under sideslip condition
针对侧滑状态下剪刀式尾桨气动环境和噪声特性复杂的问题,提出一套基于计算流体力学(CFD)和 FW-H方程的剪刀式尾桨气动噪声预估方法。通过求解可压缩雷诺平均Navier-Stokes(RANS)方程对剪刀式尾桨的流场进行数值模拟,在此基础上,采用基于固体表面积分面的FW-H方程来求解剪刀式尾桨气动噪声。应用所提方法研究了侧滑状态下剪刀式尾桨(L45)和常规形式尾桨的气动力和噪声特性。数值模拟结果表明:随着侧滑角增大,剪刀式尾桨拉力脉动量增大幅度大于常规尾桨;相同侧滑角状态,剪刀式尾桨的拉力脉动量明显大于常规尾桨,普遍达到2倍以上。在设计时应充分考虑剪刀式尾桨对直升机平衡和操纵带来的不利影响。在大多数计算状态,剪刀式尾桨的最大总噪声大于常规尾桨。
Abstract:In view of the complex aerodynamic environment and noise characteristics of the scissors tail rotor under the condition of sideslip, an aeroacoustic prediction method was proposed based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD)/FW-H equation. Firstly, the flow field of the scissor tail-rotor was numerically simulated by solving the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation. Then, the FW-H equation based on the integral surface of the solid surface was used to solve the aeroacoustic. Under sideslip circumstances, the aerodynamic and aeroacoustic properties of the standard tail rotor and the scissor tail rotor (L45) were examined. The numerical results show that with the increase of sideslip angle, the thrust fluctuation of the scissor tail-rotor increased more than that of the conventional tail-rotor. Under the same condition, the thrust fluctuation of a scissor tail-rotor is obviously larger than that of a conventional tail-rotor, which is generally more than 2 times. Therefore, the design should adequately account for the detrimental effects of the scissors tail rotor on the helicopter’s balance and control. In most states, the maximum total noise of a scissors tail-rotor is bigger than that of a conventional tail-rotor.
Key words:
- scissor tail-rotor /
- sideslip condition /
- computational fluid dynamics /
- FW-H equation /
- aerodynamic /
- aeroacoustic
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