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尹秋霖 陈琦 王中原 王庆海

尹秋霖,陈琦,王中原,等. 面向突防的滑翔制导炮弹弹道规划方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(10):3151-3161 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2023.0049
引用本文: 尹秋霖,陈琦,王中原,等. 面向突防的滑翔制导炮弹弹道规划方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(10):3151-3161 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2023.0049
YIN Q L,CHEN Q,WANG Z Y,et al. Trajectory programming method of gliding-guided projectiles for penetration[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(10):3151-3161 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2023.0049
Citation: YIN Q L,CHEN Q,WANG Z Y,et al. Trajectory programming method of gliding-guided projectiles for penetration[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(10):3151-3161 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2023.0049


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2023.0049
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52202475);江苏省自然科学基金(BK20200498)


  • 中图分类号: TJ413+.6

Trajectory programming method of gliding-guided projectiles for penetration

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52202475); Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20200498)
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  • 图 1  全弹道规划流程

    Figure 1.  Flow of full trajectory planning

    图 2  场景1仿真结果

    Figure 2.  Simulation results of Scene 1

    图 3  场景2仿真结果

    Figure 3.  Simulation results of Scene 2

    图 4  场景3仿真结果

    Figure 4.  Simulation results of Scene 3

    图 5  与传统方法对比结果(算例3)

    Figure 5.  Results compared with traditional methods (Example 3)

    表  1  滑翔弹参数

    Table  1.   Gliding-guided projectile parameter

    参数 数值
    $m/{\text{kg}}$ 44.5
    ${m_{\rm{p}}}/{\text{kg}}$ 7.23
    $S/{{\text{m}}^2}$ 0.013 3
    ${T_{\rm{p}}}/{\text{N}}$ 1 219.2
    ${t_{\mathrm{b}}}/{\text{s}}$ 14.068
    ${k_{\rm{c}}}$ 35
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    表  2  目标防御参数

    Table  2.   Target defense parameter

    参数 数值
    ${R_{{\mathrm{r}}\max }}/{\text{km}}$ 50
    ${R_{{\mathrm{g}}\min }}/{\text{km}}$ 2
    ${R_{{\mathrm{g}}\max }}/{\text{km}}$ 7
    ${R_{{\mathrm{p}}\min }}/{\text{km}}$ 1
    ${R_{{\mathrm{p}}\max }}/{\text{km}}$ 3
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    表  3  仿真参数

    Table  3.   Simulation parameter

    ${x_0}/{\text{km}}$0${\psi _{{\mathrm{v}}0\max }}/({\text{°}})$90
    ${y_0}/{\text{km}}$0${T_{\max }}/{\text{s}}$300
    ${{\textit{z}}_0}/{\text{km}}$0$ {V}_{{\mathrm{f}}\mathrm{min}}/(\text{m}\cdot {\text{s}}^{-1})$250
    ${x_{\mathrm{T}}}/{\text{km}}$60$\alpha _{\max }^*/({\text{°}})$15
    ${y_{\mathrm{T}}}/{\text{km}}$0$\beta _{\max }^*/({\text{°}})$10
    ${{\textit{z}}_{\mathrm{T}}}/{\text{km}}$1$\alpha $0.1
    $ {V}_{0}/(\text{m}\cdot {\text{s}}^{-1}) $800$\beta $0.5
    ${\theta _{0\min }}/({\text{°}}) $0$\gamma $0.2
    ${\theta _{0\max }}/({\text{°}})$90$\eta $0.3
    ${\psi _{{\mathrm{v}}0\min }}/({\text{°}})$−90
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    表  4  场景1雷达位置

    Table  4.   Radar position of Scene 1

    算例 雷达位置坐标/km
    1 (10,0,2)
    2 (10,0,−5)
    3 (10,0,10)
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    表  5  场景1全弹道规划结果

    Table  5.   Full trajectory programming results of Scene 1

    算例 $ {\theta _0}/({\text{°}}) $ $ {\psi _{{\mathrm{v}}0}}/({\text{°}}) $ $ {t_{\mathrm{i}}}/{\mathrm{s}} $ $ {t_{\rm{o}}}/{\mathrm{s}} $ $ {t_{\mathrm{f}}}/{\mathrm{s}} $ 威胁值
    1 56.72 4.38 9.55 69.31 185.29 19.61
    2 56.26 −14.53 9.80 67.10 191.34 16.13
    3 56.02 20.09 10.51 65.09 201.38 12.25
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    表  6  场景2雷达位置

    Table  6.   Radar position of Scene 2

    算例 雷达位置坐标/km
    1 (40,0,−1)
    2 (40,0,2/3)
    3 (40,0,−15)
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    表  7  场景2全弹道规划结果

    Table  7.   Full trajectory programming results of Scene 2

    算例 $ {\theta _0}/({\text{°}}) $ $ {\psi _{{\mathrm{v}}0}}/({\text{°}}) $ $ {t_{\mathrm{i}}}/{\mathrm{s}} $ $ {t_{\rm{o}}}/{\mathrm{s}} $ $ {t_{\mathrm{f}}}/{\mathrm{s}} $ 威胁值
    1 64.12 −9.44 16.34 66.42 196.29 29.40
    2 64.13 −0.96 16.08 69.54 193.20 30.25
    3 65.11 −27.99 22.71 69.60 221.87 8.85
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    表  8  场景3雷达位置

    Table  8.   Radar position of Scene 3

    算例 雷达位置坐标/km
    1 (10,0,2),(40,0,−1)
    2 (10,0,−1),(40,0,2)
    3 (15,0,20),(50,0,−5)
    4 (10,0,−20),(50,0,10)
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    表  9  场景3全弹道规划结果

    Table  9.   Full trajectory programming results of Scene 3

    算例 $ {\theta _0}/({\text{°}}) $ $ {\psi _{{\mathrm{v}}0}}/({\text{°}}) $ $ {t_{\mathrm{i}}}/{\mathrm{s}} $ $ {t_{\rm{o}}}/{\mathrm{s}} $ $ {t_{\mathrm{f}}}/{\mathrm{s}} $ 威胁值
    1 60.18 −3.51 10.80 66.33 188.56 45.93
    2 60.21 1.59 10.87 61.53 188.83 45.87
    3 61.99 1.99 13.65 61.42 191.05 35.39
    4 61.69 −1.61 13.48 67.89 190.33 32.25
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    表  10  雷达位置

    Table  10.   Radar positions

    算例 雷达位置坐标/km
    1 (10,0,2)
    2 (40,0,−1)
    3 (60,0,1)
    4 (15,0,20),(50,0,−5)
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    表  11  传统方法全弹道规划结果

    Table  11.   Full trajectory programming results of traditional methods

    方法 $ {\theta _0}/({\text{°}}) $ $ {\psi _{{\mathrm{v}}0}}/({\text{°}}) $ $ {t_{\mathrm{i}}}/{\mathrm{s}} $ $ {t_{\rm{o}}}/{\mathrm{s}} $ $ {t_{\mathrm{f}}}/{\mathrm{s}} $ 能量消耗/(rad2·s)
    2 63.07 −0.86 17.48 43.42 200.32 17.02
    3 58.57 −0.95 10.77 50.83 196.32 22.24
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    表  12  不同算例中与传统方法对比结果

    Table  12.   Results compared with traditional methods in different examples

    算例 威胁值 方法1的
    方法1 方法2 方法3
    1 19.51 29.65 28.69 22.51 197.76
    2 28.35 41.95 42.25 24.31 202.86
    3 21.79 34.46 34.51 24.93 203.07
    4 34.58 53.33 53.05 24.29 200.78
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