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侯日立 王春雨 周平

侯日立,王春雨,周平. CCF300/QY8911层压板破孔损伤快速抢修后的拉伸性能[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(7):2172-2183 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2023.0485
引用本文: 侯日立,王春雨,周平. CCF300/QY8911层压板破孔损伤快速抢修后的拉伸性能[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报,2024,50(7):2172-2183 doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2023.0485
HOU R L,WANG C Y,ZHOU P. Tensile properties of rapid repaired CCF300/QY8911 laminates with broken hole damage[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(7):2172-2183 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2023.0485
Citation: HOU R L,WANG C Y,ZHOU P. Tensile properties of rapid repaired CCF300/QY8911 laminates with broken hole damage[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2024,50(7):2172-2183 (in Chinese) doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2023.0485


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2023.0485


  • 中图分类号: V267+.4;TB330.1

Tensile properties of rapid repaired CCF300/QY8911 laminates with broken hole damage

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  • 图 1  热压罐成型工艺曲线

    Figure 1.  Autoclave process curves

    图 2  含预制损伤的试件

    Figure 2.  Specimens with prefabricated damage

    图 3  常规铆接修理试件

    Figure 3.  Specimens repaired by conventional riveting method

    图 4  常规胶接修理试件

    Figure 4.  Specimens repaired by conventional bonding method

    图 5  改进后的铆接修理试件

    Figure 5.  Specimens repaired by improved riveting method

    图 6  胶铆联合修理试件

    Figure 6.  Specimens repaired by adhesive-riveting joint method

    图 7  拉伸实验装置

    Figure 7.  Tension test equipment

    图 8  标准拉伸实验的断口

    Figure 8.  Fracture surface of standard tensile test

    图 9  含预制损伤试件的载荷-应变曲线

    Figure 9.  Load-strain curves of specimens with prefabricated damage

    图 10  含预制损伤试件的载荷-位移曲线

    Figure 10.  Load-displacement curve of specimens with prefabricated damage

    图 11  含预制损伤试件的断口

    Figure 11.  Fracture surface of specimens with prefabricated damages

    图 12  常规铆接修理试件的载荷-位移曲线

    Figure 12.  Load-displacement curves of specimens repaired by simple riveting method

    图 13  不锈钢补片断口

    Figure 13.  Fracture surface of specimens with stainless steel patch

    图 14  钛合金补片断口

    Figure 14.  Fracture surface of specimens with titanium alloy patch

    图 15  铆钉受剪变形示意图

    Figure 15.  Shear deformation schematic of rivet

    图 16  钛合金补片上应变随载荷的变化关系

    Figure 16.  Relationship between strain and load of titanium alloy patch

    图 17  改进后铆接修理试件的载荷-位移曲线

    Figure 17.  Load-displacement curves of specimens repaired by improved riveting method

    图 18  改进后铆接修理试件的断口

    Figure 18.  Fracture surface of specimens repaired by improved riveting method

    图 19  改进后铆接修理试件补片和孔边复合材料的应变

    Figure 19.  Strain at patch and hole edge composite of specimens repaired by improved riveting method

    图 20  胶接修理试件的载荷-位移曲线

    Figure 20.  Load-displacement curves of specimens repaired by bonding method

    图 21  胶接修理试件的断口

    Figure 21.  Fracture surface of specimens repaired by bonding method

    图 22  胶接修理试件补片和孔边复合材料的应变

    Figure 22.  Strain at patch and hole edge composite of specimens repaired by bonding method

    图 23  胶铆联合修理试件的载荷-位移曲线

    Figure 23.  Load-displacement curves of specimens repaired by bonding-riveting joint method

    图 24  胶铆联合修理试件的断口

    Figure 24.  Fracture surface of specimens repaired by bonding-riveting joint method

    图 25  胶铆联合修理试件补片和孔边复合材料的应变

    Figure 25.  Strain at patch and hole edge composite of specimens repaired by bonding-riveting joint method

    表  1  实验标准及设备

    Table  1.   Experimental standard and equipment

    试件类型 试件数量 实验标准 实验设备
    标准拉伸试件 6 ASTM D3039—2017[20] 电子万能实验机INSTRON 5895 100 kN
    含预制损伤的试件 5
    不锈钢补片 5 参考ASTM D3039—2017[20] 电子万能实验机MTS 311 1000 kN
    钛合金补片 5
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    表  2  材料性能测试结果

    Table  2.   Experimental results of material properties

    1 25.08 1.41 21.4 605 64.7 9216×10−6
    2 25.06 1.40 25.3 721 63.8 11036×10−6
    3 25.09 1.44 23.7 655 65.2 9944×10−6
    4 25.07 1.42 23.4 656 63.6 10333×10−6
    5 25.06 1.38 24.4 705 65.1 10686×10−6
    6 25.04 1.41 23.5 665 64.4 10173×10−6
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    表  3  含预制损伤试件的拉伸性能测试结果

    Table  3.   Tensile properties results of specimens with prefabricated damage

    1 97.66 1.50 21.6 147 4378×10−6
    2 97.78 1.49 21.1 145 4387×10−6
    3 98.18 1.48 20.1 138 3815×10−6
    4 97.77 1.50 19.6 134 3868×10−6
    5 97.83 1.50 21.1 144 4245×10−6
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    表  4  常规铆接修理试件的拉伸性能测试结果

    Table  4.   Tensile properties results of specimens repaired by simple riveting method

    试件形式 试件编号 宽度/mm 厚度/mm 载荷峰值 Ⅰ /
    拉伸强度 Ⅰ /
    载荷峰值 Ⅱ /
    拉伸强度 Ⅱ /
    不锈钢补片 1 98.08 1.48 33.7 232 31.9 220 4326×10−6 122×10−6
    2 97.90 1.51 33.7 228 32.8 222 4211×10−6 68.3×10−6
    3 98.08 1.44 32.4 229 29.2 207 4256×10−6 82.6×10−6
    4 97.97 1.51 35.0 237 32.1 217 4230×10−6 135×10−6
    5 98.26 1.45 36.1 253 30.2 212 4469×10−6 121×10−6
    钛合金补片 1 98.49 1.50 35.3 239 31.9 216 4386×10−6 259×10−6
    2 98.28 1.49 33.0 225 30.7 210 4190×10−6 260×10−6
    3 98.03 1.41 35.3 256 30.4 220 4423×10−6 331×10−6
    4 98.39 1.48 33.6 231 32.5 224 3995×10−6 240×10−6
    5 98.41 1.50 33.7 229 32.5 220 4140×10−6 259×10−6
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    表  5  改进后铆接修理试件的剩余强度测试结果

    Table  5.   Residual strength test results of specimens repaired by improved riveting method

    试件编号 宽度/mm 厚度/mm 载荷/kN 剩余强度/MPa
    1 98.60 1.50 47.90 323.8
    2 98.54 1.48 47.53 325.9
    3 98.70 1.48 49.62 339.7
    4 98.70 1.44 46.44 326.7
    5 98.64 1.44 47.99 337.9
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    表  6  胶接修理试件的剩余强度测试结果

    Table  6.   Residual strength test results of specimens repaired by bonding method

    试件编号 宽度/mm 厚度/mm 载荷/kN 剩余强度/MPa
    1 98.84 1.5 39.47 266.2
    2 98.4 1.48 40.41 277.5
    3 98.2 1.4 40.82 296.9
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    表  7  胶铆联合修理试件的剩余强度测试结果

    Table  7.   Residual strength test results of specimens repaired by bonding-riveting joint method

    试件编号 宽度/mm 厚度/mm 载荷/kN 剩余强度/MPa
    1 99.20 1.48 58.20 396.40
    2 98.64 1.46 54.75 380.20
    3 98.12 1.50 53.88 366.10
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    表  8  评价方法改进前后的结构强度恢复率对比

    Table  8.   Comparison of strength recovery ratio by unimproved and improved evaluation methods

    修理方法 修正因子F2 修复强度/
    常规铆接修理 0.601 361.9 35.3 54.2
    胶接修理 0.505 430.7 41.9 64.5
    改进后的铆接修理 0.428 508.1 49.5 76.1
    胶铆联合修理 0.372 584.7 57.0 87.6
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