Abstract:In order to solve the problem of aircraft path conflict in autonomous operation mode, this paper proposed a multi-aircraft path game coordination method based on distributed decision-making. Firstly, a mixed strategy-evolutionary game model was constructed based on the path planning of aircraft operating in autonomous mode. The model was divided into two parts. Firstly, based on the idea of a mixed strategy game, the solution space of the aircraft path game was reduced by eliminating the game strategy that cannot reach the equilibrium state, and the solution process of the game problem was greatly simplified. Then, the game problem was regarded as an incomplete rational evolutionary game problem, and the evolution law of each aircraft path preference was set up. The equilibrium solution of the evolutionary game problem was solved. Finally, simulation experiments were carried out using the actual sector structure and data. The results show that the average path length of aircraft operating in autonomous mode only increases by 9.15%, but the peak air traffic complexity decreases by 30.15%, and the number of highly efficient grids in airspace increases by 26.46%. In the simulated environment of clear air turbulence and cabin decompression, the anti-disturbance capability of this path is significantly improved, and the number of disturbed aircraft decreases by 32.39% and 56.72%, respectively.
表 1 不同混合比对应的路径平均长度统计
Table 1. Average path length at corresponding proportion of aircraft operating in autonomous mode
模式 平均值 变化比例/% 传统运行模式(PS=0%) 62.67 混合运行模式(PS=20%) 70.44 +11.03 混合运行模式(PS=40%) 65.27 +3.99 混合运行模式(PS=60%) 63.13 +0.74 混合运行模式(PS=80%) 67.35 +6.95 自主运行模式(PS=100%) 68.98 +9.15 表 2 不同混合比对应复杂度指标统计
Table 2. Statistical table of complexity indexes corresponding to different mixing ratios
模式 栅格最大复杂度平均值 栅格最大复杂度变化率/% 高复杂度栅格占比平均值/% 高复杂度栅格占比变化率/% 传统运行模式(PS=0%) 1.924 3.06 混合运行模式(PS=20%) 17.18 −10.71 3.37 +9.93 混合运行模式(PS=40%) 1.628 −15.38 3.62 +18.36 混合运行模式(PS=60%) 1.477 −23.19 3.59 +17.47 混合运行模式(PS=80%) 1.421 −26.12 3.72 +21.59 自主运行模式(PS=100%) 1.344 −30.15 3.87 +26.46 表 3 不同混合比对应蒙特卡罗仿真模拟统计
Table 3. Monte Carlo simulation corresponding to different mixing ratios
模式 扇区容量 扇区容量变化率/% 平均路径长度 平均路径长度变化率/% 无法解脱的冲突数量 传统运行模式(PS=0%) 67 62.67 混合运行模式(PS=20%) 70.10 +4.63 66.58 +6.24 0 混合运行模式(PS=40%) 72.89 +8.79 63.66 +1.58 0 混合运行模式(PS=60%) 75.32 +12.42 66.51 +6.13 0 混合运行模式(PS=80%) 77.45 +15.60 69.08 +10.23 0 自主运行模式(PS=100%) 82.17 +22.64 71.85 +14.65 0 表 4 不同混合比对应的实验数据-晴空湍流
Table 4. Experimental data at different mixing ratios for clear air turbulence
模式 仿真
数量变化率/%标准差 传统运行模式(PS=0%) 50 4.97 3.06 混合运行模式(PS=20%) 50$ \times $20 4.84 −2.62 2.63 混合运行模式(PS=40%) 50$ \times $20 4.79 −3.62 2.58 混合运行模式(PS=60%) 50$ \times $20 4.32 −13.08 2.20 混合运行模式(PS=80%) 50$ \times $20 4.34 −12.68 2.18 自主运行模式(PS=100%) 50 3.43 −30.98 2.10 表 5 受扰动影响的航空器数量-座舱失压
Table 5. Number of disturbed aircraft for cabin decompression
模式 仿真
数量变化率/%标准差 传统运行模式(PS=0%) 67 8.53 2.58 混合运行模式(PS=20%) 67$ \times $20 6.72 −21.22 2.66 混合运行模式(PS=40%) 67$ \times $20 5.37 −37.05 2.72 混合运行模式(PS=60%) 67$ \times $20 5.01 −41.27 2.64 混合运行模式(PS=80%) 67$ \times $20 4.46 −47.71 2.41 自主运行模式(PS=100%) 67 3.66 −57.09 2.19 -
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