Solution of direct kinematics of 6-DOF parallel manipulators using extra sensors
摘要: 6-DOF (Degrees of Freedom)并联机构的位姿正解问题复杂而且多解.讨论了处理正解问题的各种不同方法,其中数值迭代法和使用附加传感器的两种方法可以直接找到正解.重点研究了使用附加传感器获取并联机构正解的方法及传感器的类型,并对采用直线位移传感器和旋转传感器及其配置方法进行了比较,不同的配置会影响到正解的计算精度与计算过程.讨论了采用直线位移传感器与旋转传感器联合求解时合理的传感器数量及相应的配置,并针对一种相对通用的配置方法,推导了获得位姿正解的计算过程. 根据计算分析,采用4个旋转传感器或者3个直线传感器,经过适当的配置,可以获得并联机构的正解.Abstract: The direct kinematics problem of a 6-DOF parallel manipulator is difficult and there is usually not a unique solution. Different methods of handling the direct kinematics problem were discussed. Two common approaches to find the solution directly are using an iterative numerical procedure or using the extra sensors. Two types of extra sensors can be used, rotary and linear, but they are used in different configurations. The accuracy and complexity of the computations for the direct kinematics vary with different configurations of the sensors. Purpose is to determine how to add sensors to the manipulators, and find their number and their location, together with the procedure to get the posture of the platform. A simple configuration of the sensors was proposed together with the procedure to get the posture of the mobile platform. With the length of the 6 links and 4 rotary sensors or 3 linear sensors, posture of the mobile platform can be determined uniquely.
Key words:
- mechanical /
- manipulator /
- DOF /
- sensors
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