Research and implementation of web services transaction process system
摘要: Web服务具有良好的互操作性,能有效地支持软件的集成.在集成和交互过程中,Web服务需要事务的支持获得一致和可靠的结果.通过分析Web服务事务处理的基本原理、运行过程和机制,设计和实现了一个Web服务事务处理系统.该系统包括客户端、协调器、参与者和监控管理工具四部分,其中客户端创建、提交或者取消Web服务事务,协调器是管理和控制事务运行的协调中心,参与者是参与事务的Web服务,监控管理工具是提供给管理员的可视化工具.在协调器和参与者的交互过程中使用两阶段提交协议保证事务的原子性和一致性.该系统在处理过程中具有一定的实用性和灵活性,并能满足跨企业商业事务的需求.Abstract: Web services have good interoperation and can efficiently support coordination and integration of software, the process of coordination and composition needs the support of web services transaction to ensure consistent and reliable outcomes. Based on the property, principle and runtime mechanism of web services transaction; a web services transaction process system was designed and implemented. This system comprises fours part in functions: client, coordinator, participant, monitor and manager tools. Client can create and commit or cancel web services transaction, coordinator is the center that manages and coordinates the transaction, participant is the web service enrolled in the transaction, and monitor and manager tool is GUI tool provided to the administrator. Two-phasecommit protocol was used in the interaction between coordinator and participant parts to ensure the outcome’s atomicity and consistency. This system has the advantages of flexibility and practicability in transaction processing, and can meet the needs of inter-enterprise business transaction.
Key words:
- web /
- transaction /
- web services /
- two-phase commit
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