Research on Web information fusion infrastructure
摘要: 元建模是实现分布异构数据源间互操作的有效途径,元模型框架MMF(Meta Model Framework)是一套元对象和元模型结构的集合,用于信息注册和信息资源库开发中元模型建立.将联邦数据管理系统与软件工程中本体元模型框架结合,建立Web信息融合系统基础设施的体系结构.结合语义Web服务平台和软件代理技术,研究Web信息融合系统基础设施的运行机制.提出本体对象(ontology-object) 建模理论和方法,指导Web信息融合系统基础设施的开发设计,简化设计开发过程.Abstract: Meta modeling is an effective approach to implement interoperability a mong distributed and heterogeneous information sources on Web. MMF (meta model f ramework) is a set of meta objects and meta modeling constructs to be used in th e development a metamodel in actual implementation of information registry and r epository. An architecture of Web information fusion infrastructure was presente d based on FDBS (federated database system) and MMF. A relevant process model de pended on semantic Web services and software agent was discussed. A modeling met hod, named ontology-object, was proposed in order to simplify design and develo pment of the Web information fusion infrastructure.
Key words:
- Web information fusion /
- FDBS /
- ontological meta-modeling /
- Web service
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