Interval Perturbation Method for Computing Regions Containing Complex Natural Frequencies of Structures
摘要: 利用区间数学研究具有误差或有界不确定性结构参数的非比例阻尼结构复特征值 所在区域问题.将误差或有界不确定性结构参数用区间定量化,这样,具有误差或有界不确 定性结构参数的非比例阻尼结构复特征值所在区域问题便可归结为实区间矩阵的广义特征值 问题.对于小的误差或有界不确定参数,所提出的求解实区间矩阵的广义特征值问题的区间 摄动法可以给出满足工程要求的结构固有频率所在的区域.
- 固有频率 /
- 区间数学 /
- 摄动法 /
- 误差或有界不确定参数
Abstract: By interval mathematics, the problem on regions contain ing complex eigenvalues for structures with errors or uncertain but bounded para meters was studied. These parameters were described by interval numbers. The non -proportional damping structural eigenvalue problem with errors or uncertain bu t bounded parameters can be transformed into the generalized eigenvalue problem of interval matrice s, and the complex eigenvalues are regions containing natural frequencies of str uctures with errors or uncertain but bounded parameters. For small errors or unc ertain but bounded parameters, the interval perturbation method was presented fo r computing complex interval eigenvalues of the generalized interval eigenvalue p roblem, and the required regions containing natural frequencies of structures ma y be obtained. -
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