Experiments on Performance of a Molecular Sieve Oxygen Concentrator System
摘要: 根据"变压-吸附-解吸附" 压力交变原理,研制了分子筛氧气浓缩器样机.通过不同入口压力、输出流量、高空压力和温度环境实验,测试了分子筛浓缩器样机的制氧性能.结果表明,分子筛氧气浓缩器样机产氧浓度随入口压力和上升高度的增加而增加;随输出流量的增加而减少;升降速度、环境温度影响不大.系统产氧性能基本满足系统工程生理学防护要求,其性能与国外产品有可比性.Abstract: The prototype of a molecular sieve oxygen concentrator system (MSOCS) was developed, on the principle of PAS. Various intake pressures,output flow of MSOCS, altitude pressure and the environment temperature tests were tested to analyze its performance of generating oxygen. The results showed that the concentration of oxygen generation of the MSOCS increases with increasing the intake pressures and altitude, and decreases with increasing output flow of MSOCS. The gradient rate and the environment temperature make no effects. The performance of generating oxygen meets the physiological requirements for the system engineering.
Key words:
- molecular sieves /
- oxygen system /
- properties /
- oxygen generating system /
- environment test /
- oxygen concentration
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