Neural Network Approach to R&D Project Termination
摘要: 在比较研究国内外R&D项目中止决策理论方法的基础上,论述了对正在进行的R&D项目进行正确的中止决策模式识别的重要意义.探讨了神经网络(NN)理论用于R&D项目中止决策的可行性,提出了适用于正在进行的R&D项目的中止决策分析的Hopfield神经网络模式识别方法,并用实例验证了方法的有效性.方法的实施较为方便、计算较为简单,结果也令人满意.表明Hopfield神经网络模式识别方法在R&D项目中止决策领域具有应用前景.Abstract: In order to help manager to make termination decision for the ongoing R&D project timely and correctly, the authors review and compare the theory and methodology of termination decision from the literature. Furthermore, we discuss the considerable importance to identify attributes of an ongoing R&D project. To identify attributes of an ongoing R&D project, the authors examine characteristics and scopes of neural network. Thus, the feasibility of neural network, which is possibly used in R&D project termination decisions, is further explored. On the basis of the theory and methodology of neural network, this study attempts to develop a mode identification method to make R&D project termination decisions in an effective manner. Finally, the validity of the proposed method is verified by an example. The result shows that the method is both simple and practical.
Key words:
- pattern recognition /
- neural networks /
- decision theory /
- R&D project
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