Evaluations of Interface Management by Gray Cluster and Empirical Study
摘要: 研究与开发(R&D)和市场营销及和生产之间的界面管理不善是直接导致科技成果转化率与技术创新水平低下的关键因素.然而,如何评价企业的界面管理水平却是一个相当困难的问题.针对这些困难,在对影响界面管理众多因素进行分析的基础上,设计出了具区间数的灰色聚类方法, 用以评价企业界面管理集成度.提出的方法能识别界面双方对同一问题的认识异同点,解决了因素量化困难、评价标准不一等问题.在实证分析研究的基础上,将其应用于北京地区几类典型企业的R&D与市场营销的界面管理实践.Abstract: The interface management between R&D/Marketing and R&D/Production is essential to commercialization of S&T achievements and success of technological innovation. It is, however, very difficult to evaluate levels of the interface management for an enterprise during its innovative process. The paper presents a gray cluster analysis with intervals, in order to assess the integration of interface management for the concerned firms. The proposed method, which can address the critical problems faced, has several advantages. First, it can quantify the impact factors on the interface and identify different perceptions of importance about the same factor between the two sides of the interface, too. It is also more facilitating to decide the evaluating standards by using the analysis technique than before. The interface between R&D and marketing in some typical firms is then empirically assessed to test the validity of the method. The results indicate the proposed analytic tool is indeed effective.
Key words:
- interfaces /
- cluster analysis /
- research /
- development /
- marketing
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