Application of MDO algorithm to multi-tier trajectory optimization design for a surface-to-air missile kinetic kill
摘要: 为了有效的毁伤目标,依据多层次优化方法提出了以杀伤概率优化为目标的防空导弹多层弹道优化模型.整个模型分为3层:导弹中制导段、导弹末制导段以及钨动能杆杀伤增强器动能毁伤目标阶段.将一个层次视为一个子系统,多层次弹道优化问题实质上就是多学科设计优化问题.通过系统分析与学科分析,提出了基于多学科设计优化理论和方法的多层弹道优化解决方法,用基于全局灵敏度方程的优化方法和一体化方法求解了系统优化问题.结果表明:两种方法都能有效解决多层次弹道优化问题,一体化方法的结果要更好一些.Abstract: A multi-tier trajectory optimization framework for a surface-to-air missile to optimize the kill probability was proposed based on the multi-tier optimization process(MTOP). The missile-s intercepting process was divided into three tiers, which were the midcourse trajectory optimization, the terminal homing phase and the kinetic tungsten rods lethal enhance kinetic kill process. A tier can be seen as a subsystem, the multi-tier trajectory optimization problem is essential a multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) problem. A solution of the multi-tier trajectory optimization framework was presented based on the MDO theory and methods through discipline analysis and system analysis. The global sensitivity equation (GSE) method and All-in-One method were used to solve the system optimization problem. The results show that both methods are effective for solving the MTOP problem, and the All-in-One is much better.
Key words:
- multilayer /
- trajectory /
- optimization /
- kinetic energy
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