Reentry guidance law design for RLV based on predictor-corrector method
摘要: 针对高超声速可重复运载器RLV(Reusable Launch Vehicles)的再入飞行问题,利用数值预测校正方法与准平衡滑翔条QEGC(Quasi-Equilibrium Glide Condition)相结合的方法在线设计同时满足热流、法向过载和动压等轨迹约束与末端精度要求的倾侧角制导律.建立三自由度动力学方程,确定初始条件、末端精度要求和轨迹约束要求;然后详细阐述预测校正方法和准平衡滑翔条件的原理,再利用预测校正方法设计制导律,用QEGC把约束转换为对倾侧角制导律的上界,通过限制倾侧角的幅值来限制约束.最后在计算机上进行制导仿真,并考虑初始条件不确定性,进行蒙特卡洛仿真,通过分析仿真结果,证明利用预测校正方法结合准平衡滑翔条件可以快速的设计出满足末端精度要求和轨迹约束的制导律,并对初始条件不确定性有较好的鲁棒性.Abstract: A new on-line guidance law designed based on predictor-corrector method and quasi-equilibrium glide condition (QEGC) for the reentry of hypersonic reusable launch vehicles (RLV) was presented. This advanced guidance law can generate reasonable bank angle profiles which can simultaneously satisfy the target accuracy and the path constraints such as heat rate flow, normal load and dynamic pressure. After establishing the 3DOF dynamic equations and specifying the initial states, target accuracy (CEP) and path constraints, the predictor-corrector method and quasi-equilibrium glide condition were explained in detail. The predictor-corrector method was used to generate the basic reentry guidance law for RLV, and the QEGC was used to modify the bank angle profile so that it can satisfy all path constraints. Finally, the Monte Carlo simulation was used to evaluate the performance of the guidance law under uncertain initial states. The simulation results show that this guidance law not only works accurately and fast but also has a high robustness.
Key words:
- reentry /
- predictor-corrector /
- QEGC /
- path constraint /
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