Fuzzy guidance law for wire-guidance torpedo under condition of incomplete information
摘要: 基于模糊逻辑的思想,提出了一种信息不完备条件下的智能导引方法,从而可以有效的解决线导鱼雷导引过程中无法充分利用不完备的目标运动要素信息的问题.通过对目标方位、距离、航向等信息在智能导引中的作用及引入机制的研究,采用航向的加权修正,距离信息的强条件限制以及在末制导段的智能机动,合理有效的利用了各种不完备的目标信息并应用于智能组合导引中.仿真实验结果表明,该导引方法在满足最优的入射目标尾流的距离和角度指标上具有很好的效果.Abstract: A fuzzy guidance technique under the condition of incomplete information was proposed to solve the problem that the commonly used guidance methods can not provide very good solution for the incomplete information of targets.Based on the deeply analysis of the function on artificial-intelligence(AI) guidance and the introduction mechanism of the target information including the azimuth ,distance and direction ,a new technique that the weighting revision for the direction, the threshold value limit of distance and the AI transfer on the terminal guidance can use these incomplete information effectively and be applied in the combined guidance .Simulation experiments show that the AI guidance technique can use the existing incomplete information fully and make the good progress on the optimized distance and angle entering the target wake.
Key words:
- wire-guidance torpedo /
- fuzzy logic /
- guidance law /
- incomplete information
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