Numerical simulation of heat transfer in rotating smooth square ducts using modified k-ω turbulence model
摘要: 针对旋转光滑矩形通道分别应用针对旋转状态修正的 k-ε、标准k-ω以及提出的针对旋转状态修正的k-ω湍流模型进行流动和换热的数值模拟,通过与实验结论的对比,讨论了采用不同湍流模型对计算结果的影响.计算工况为旋转数Ro=0.24,流体进口雷诺数Re=25000.计算结果表明:采用所提出的针对旋转状态修正的k-ω湍流模型的计算结果要比采用针对旋转状态修正的k-ε以及标准k-ω湍流模型的计算结果更接近实验结论.Abstract: A three-dimensional Navier-Stokes code with modified k-ε,k-ω(with new terms for Coriolis and rotational buoyancy) and standard k-ω turbulence models were used for prediction of flow and heat transfer characteristics for a rotating smooth square channel with radially outward flow. Comparisons between the calculation results of using different turbulence models were made with experimental data, test case is the rotation number(based on the inlet velocity and rotation speed) Ro =0.24; Reynolds number(based on the inlet velocity) Re =25000. The numerical results reveal that the heat transfer predictions have great discrepancy by using different turbulence models. For the present test case, the numerical results of using modified k-ω turbulence model give predictions that are in better agreement with the experimental data than using modified k-ε turbulence model and standard k-ω turbulence model.
Key words:
- rotation /
- turbulence model /
- heat transfer
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