Dynamics analysis of lunar lander-s landing process
摘要: 以哈尔滨工业大学宇航空间机构及控制研究中心研制的四腿桁架式月球着陆器样机为研究对象,通过简化模型,导出了着陆器着陆过程中各个着陆脚和着陆器质心在惯性坐标系中的位置坐标方程,以此位置坐标方程为依据得到了着陆器准静态稳定性条件.通过分析着陆器与月面着陆时瞬态动力学行为,得到了着陆器在此瞬态的各动力学参数的计算公式,以此为依据,并离散时间变量,给出了可以程序化实现整个动态着陆过程动力学模拟的计算过程,为进一步研究着陆过程动力学行为奠定了基础.Abstract: The prototype of spatial trussed lunar lander was taken as a researching object. It was designed and manufactured by RCAMC HIT(Research Center of Aerospace Mechanism and Control, Harbin Institute of Technology). The simplified model of the lunar lander construction was given. Then, the location coordinate equations of every lunar lander foot and center of mass in inertial coordinate system were deduced. Based on these location coordinate equations, the lunar-s quasi-static stability condition was gotten. By analyzing the lunar lander-s transient dynamics behavior during the landing time, the formulas to calculate the transient dynamic parameters of the lunar lander during the landing time were derived; Through scattering time variables, the calculating procedures that can be imitated dynamic characters of the whole landing process were put forward, which laid a foundation for further research on the lunar lander-s landing dynamics behavior.
Key words:
- lunar lander /
- quasi-static /
- dynamics /
- truss
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