Workflow-based project management system for complex software prototyping
摘要: 复杂系统虚拟样机是一个协同工作过程,为了对其业务过程和业务数据进行有效管理、改善虚拟样机效率,建立了一个基于工作流的项目管理系统.该系统具有系统管理、项目管理、工作流管理、文档管理、消息管理和信息交互管理等功能.介绍了其层次化、模块化的项目管理系统体系结构,重点介绍了工作流管理系统的体系结构,其模型组成元素和多实例化、流程的动态创建及修改等建模机制,以及工作流运转机制,并给出了该项目管理系统在某虚拟样机开发平台中的应用实例.Abstract: Modeling and simulation for a complex software prototyping system were computer supported cooperative work process. To effectively manage its business process and data and thus improve the efficiency of the whole system-s work, a workflow-based project management system was proposed. It was comprised by system management, project management, workflow management, document management, message management and information management. The hierarchical and modularized architecture and the components of this system were illuminated. Particularly, the workflow architecture, workflow modeling and running were thoroughly explained. The elements of the model and modeling mechanism included multi-instantiation, dynamic creating and revising of the workflow. Finally, the application of the project management to a virtual prototyping system for a weapon developing platform was introduced.
Key words:
- project management /
- workflow /
- software prototying /
- cooperative work /
- architecture
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