Method based on μ-analysis techniques for the clearance of flight control laws
摘要: 针对目前应用的网格法在实际使用中的不足,将μ分析方法应用到飞行控制律 的评估与确认中.以某型战斗机及为其设计的鲁棒飞行控制律为研究对象,采用相应的稳定 性准则,利用线性分式变换形式,考虑各种已知的不确定参数摄动,用μ分析方法实现了对 该准则的评估与确认.与传统网格法相比,基于μ分析的方法具有两个明显的优点,一是网 格间的点可以得到评估,二是不存在网格法的"维数灾"问题,从而提高了评估的可靠性和 效率.Abstract: The clearance of modern flight control laws to take into account the m any uncertainties has become a great challenge to engineers and researchers, and traditional grid-based methods have gradually been incompetent for this task. A method based on μ-analysis techniques was used to solve this very difficult problem. The aircraft model and flight control law used in the prese nt study is a twin-engine fighter with a robust inverse dynamics estimatio n(RIDE) controller. Our approach was applied to evaluate a linear stability margi n criterion currently widely used by the aerospace industry. Using the linear fr actio nal transformation based uncertainty model developed from the nonlinear aircraft model, and a fictitious multiplicative input uncertainty representation of the criterion, stability robustness analysis results were presented for the flight co ntrol law. Compared with traditional grid-based ones, the μ-analysis based met ho d has two obvious advantages which provide more rigorous and efficient in the pr esence of multiple sources of parametric uncertainty. One is the points between grids can be cleared, the other is there exists no "disaster of dimension" pro blems.
Key words:
- clearance /
- flight control law /
- uncertainty /
- μ-analysis /
- linear fractional tran sformation
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