Three-phase aeronautical active power filter based on space vector and one-cycle control
摘要: 提出了一种新型三相航空有源电力滤波器的控制方法.按照空间矢量 的方法,将三相母线交流电压划分为6个区间,在每个区间,建立单周控制模型.这种基 于空间矢量和单周控制的控制器只需要1个带复位的积分器、3个比较器、2个触发器、1 个双八路多路复用器和一些线性器件.在每个区间有1个桥臂工作在低频状态,另外2个 桥臂工作在高频状态.采用这种控制器的有源电力滤波器具有简单、可靠、鲁棒性好、控制 精度高、效率高等优点.在分析、建模的基础上进行了仿真和试验研究.仿真与试验结果证 明,采用这种控制方式的三相有源电力滤波器能够动态地对电流谐波和无功进行有效补偿, 从而验证了这种控制方法的正确性和可行性.Abstract: A new control method for the three-phase aeronautical active power filter was proposed. According to the ideal of space vector, the t hree-phase voltage was divided to six regions, where the model of one - cycle control was established. The proposed controller need only one integrato r with reset, three comparators, two flip-flops and some linear components. In e ach region, one leg works under low frequency and other two legs work under hi gh frequency. The proposed controller, which is simple, robust and reliable, has the features of high efficiency, unified constant-frequency, high precision, effective compensation, and is desirable for industrial applications. The analysis, modeling, simulations and exper iments were carried out with the three-phase active power filter. Simulatio n and experiment results verify that the proposed three-phase three-legs act iv e power filter can dynamically and effectually compensate the harmonics and reac tive.
Key words:
- active filter /
- vector /
- one-cycle control
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