Measurement arithmetic based on linear interpolation and equivalent transducer in aircraft fuel quantity gaging
摘要: 以某型号飞机的机身油箱为例,提出了等效虚拟传感器的方法,将多根传感器测量值所确定的燃油面,用油箱中某个特殊位置的一虚拟传感器的值等效表示.建立虚拟传感器长度、飞机姿态中俯仰角和横滚角与燃油体积关系的三维数据表,利用插值的方法得到燃油量的近似值.利用Solidworks三维辅助设计软件对运用等效原理和插值法得到的燃油量进行验证,结果表明该方法测量精度高,计算结果可靠.而且等效原理的利用,使插值法涉及的数据量大大减少,达到了压缩数据的目的,便于在实际系统中的实现.Abstract: A measurement arithmetic based on virtual equivalent sensor and linear interpolation was presented, which was applied to aircraft fuel quantity gaging. The aircraft fuel surface which was defined by more than three fuel sensor′s measurement value could be also expressed with one virtual equivalent sensor located in special situation in the fuel tank. In this equivalent principle, fuel quantity could be acquired having three-dimensional linear interpolation through the three-dimensional data stable showing the relation between fuel quantity and the virtual equivalent sensor, aircraft attitude information. Effectiveness and precise of the proposed method were demonstrated by simulation results adopting Solidworks software. The results show that the measurement arithmetic is stable, reliable and effective. Because of the application of the equivalent sensor, data quantity in three-dimensional table is greatly compressed, which makes the interpolation method easy to be realized in actual aircraft fuel quantity gaging system.
Key words:
- aircraft fuels /
- fuel gages /
- transducer /
- interpolation
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