Experiment on structural formation and mechanism of strength increasing of stabilized soil
摘要: 根据固化土实际固化过程,提出一个新的固化土结构模型,即固化土结构形成主要由固化剂胶结土颗粒和填充孔隙两部分构成.根据这一结构模型,以粉砂土作为研究对象,用水泥作为固化剂,由理论计算得出的固化土中胶结土颗粒和填充孔隙所对应的固化剂用量与由试验得出的相应固化剂掺量相当吻合,且基于该固化土结构模型,可以对固化土抗压强度增长规律与固化剂掺量相互关系等试验现象给予较好的解释.另外,通过用膨胀剂代替上述固化剂中用于填充孔隙的水泥掺量,以及减少和增加固化剂中水泥掺量,验证了土颗粒胶结和孔隙填充对固化土结构形成及强度增长的作用,并指出孔隙填充对固化土抗压强度提高起重要作用.Abstract: For the hardening process of the stabilized soil, a new structural model of stabilized soil was proposed that the structure formation of stabilized soil included soil particle cementing and pore filling. Based on the new structural model, when silt was used for soil sample and cement for hardening agent, the results show that the theoretical calculations of hardening agent contents used for cementing soil particle and filling pore are identical with those derived from experiment in the structure formation of stabilized soil. Some experimental results can be interpreted by the new structural model, such as the relationship between the mechanism of the strength increase and hardening agent contents of the stabilized soils. Through substituting expansive material for the cement contents used for filling pore in the above-mentioned hardening agent and increasing/decreasing the cement content, the role of soil particle cementing and pore filling to the structure formation was validated. And it was proposed that pore filling was critical to the strength increase of the stabilized soil.
Key words:
- stabilized soil /
- structural model /
- cementing /
- pore filling
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