Conceptual study of magnetic launch assist system for space launch
摘要: 针对日益增加的航天发射成本问题和安全、可靠、低成本航天发射方式的需求,阐述了磁悬浮助推发射概念及其优越性.初步分析了磁悬浮助推发射系统组成及各分系统功能.通过比较电磁悬浮(EMS)和超导电动(EDS)两种磁悬浮系统性能,结果表明EDS是更适合于磁悬浮助推发射的磁悬浮系统方案.通过助推发射能量需求初步分析,直线电机加速能量供给系统是难题之一,需要重点解决.采用飞行弹道分析方法,说明地面助推水平起飞单级入轨运载器方案的可行性及特点.与其它航天助推发射方式比较,磁悬浮助推发射在提高入轨载荷和降低发射成本方面具有优势.Abstract: To solve the problem of ever-increasing cost of getting to space and the need for safe, reliable, and inexpensive ways to access space, a magnetic launch assist concept and its benefits were described and discussed. Primary magnetic launch assist system configuration and each subsystem functions were analyzed. By comparing the capability of electromagnetic suspension (EMS) system with that of electrodynamic suspension (EDS) system, the result indicates EDS is a more reasonable magnetic levitation system scheme applied to magnetic launch assist. The linear motor power supply system is found a difficulty after the launch assist energy requirement was analyzed, and needs to be attentively resolved. By using a general flight trajectory analysis method, the feasibility and characteristic of horizontal takeoff single stage to orbit (SSTO) vehicle with ground launch assist were shown. Having compared with other space launch assist methods, magnetic launch assist has some superiority on sending more payloads to low earth orbit and decreasing launch cost.
Key words:
- space flight /
- aerospace ground equipment /
- magnetic levitation /
- conceptual study
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