Study on the Existence and Uniqueness of G-K System in Multilateral International Comparison
摘要: 在进行国际比较问题研究中,人们经常使用著名的G-K系统方法,然而关于该方法是否存在唯一的正解一直是经济学家们争论的问题.本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,对该问题进行了深入、广泛地探讨,获得了关于购买力平价国际多边比较中G-K方法的唯一正解的存在性和唯一性若干个等价条件,并指出了Prasada的文献中论证该问题的错误.另外,本文还研究了G-K系统的唯一正解的自动生成问题,并对此作出了经济学解释.Abstract: In studying international comparison problem, the famous G-K systemic technique is always used by economic experts. However, whether this method has the unique positive solution or not is the problem economists have been debating at all times.This problem is discussed far and wide in this paper which is based on other research works, and six equivalent conditions are obtained of which the G-K systemic technique has the unique positive solution in the purchasing power parity multilateral international comparison.This paper also points that the conclusion about this problem is mistaken in prasada's literature. In addition, this paper discusses the self-building problem of the unique positive solution of G-K system, and presents corresponding economic explanations.
Key words:
- economic systems /
- existence /
- uniqueness /
- international comparison /
- G-K systemic technique /
- purchasing power parity
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