Semantic security algorithm for wireless sensor network
摘要: 提出一种基于变化映射表的语义安全算法.该算法首先针对WSN(Wireless Sensor Networks)应用对临界值敏感的特点,采用变精度状态采集方法,建立了一个原始语义与其标识数值的映射表;在此基础上,网关和节点之间通过同步映射表进行通信数据的语义加密和解密,为提高安全性,在通信过程中,映射表基于通信携带的随机变更因子而不断更新.最后给出算法分析及仿真验证,结果表明提出的算法可以有效抑制已知明密文对攻击和实现语义安全.Abstract: To improve security of communication data in WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks), a semantic security algorithm based on a changing mapping table was presented. Considering of threshold-sensitive characteristics of WSN application, a data collection method with variable precision was used, i.e. high collection precision close to threshold and low collection precision far from threshold. Then a mapping table was introduced which defined the mapping way of identification and original semantic. The encryption in the nodes and decrypt in the gateway were depended on the mapping table, which kept synchronization between the gateway and the node during the communication. To enhance security, the mapping table was continuously updated based on a random changing factor. And some improved random number generators were suggested in order to improve the nonlinear feature of mapping table conversion. The time complexity analysis, space complexity analysis and energy consumption analysis were given. Finally, some experiments were done with Micaz sensor nodes and the simulation results and analysis were given.
Key words:
- wireless sensor networks /
- security of data /
- semantic /
- semantic security
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