Analysis of the mechanics for ski-jump takeoff
摘要: 针对飞机在滑橇甲板上起飞的特点,基于力多边形的变化过程,以及甲板形状对飞机俯仰转动的作用,分析了飞机性能和品质与甲板参数的适配关系,说明了飞机在低速离舰初期迎角建立的力学机理.迎角的建立综合3个方面的效果:曲面甲板提供正向俯仰角速度,使迎角增加;前轮离舰释放载荷、后轮尚未离舰的过程中,甲板支反力提供低头力矩,使离舰初期俯仰角速度减小;离舰初期升力不能平衡重力,加速度指向前下方,轨迹向下弯曲,速度下偏使迎角增加.对航母/舰载机/起落架多体动力学系统进行数值仿真,结果表明分析合理.Abstract: The matching between parameters of ski-jump ramp and flying performance/quality of carrier-based aircraft was analyzed based on the dynamic process of force polygon and the effect of ski-jump ramp on the pitch rotation of aircraft, and the building-up mechanism of the angle of attack at the initial stage after aircraft leaving the ramp at low speed was demonstrated. The building-up of the angle of attack results from following three aspects: The ramp provides the aircraft a positive pitch rate, which increases the angle of attack; When the nose landing gear leaves the ramp and the main landing gears do not, pitch down moment is provided by the ramp reacting force upon the main landing gears, and the pitch rate is decreased; While the aircraft just leaves the ramp, the lift cannot balance the gravity, so the acceleration vector points forward and downward, the speed vector is deflexed, and the angle of attack is increased. Simulation on the multi-bodies dynamic system of carrier/aircraft/landing gears shows that the above analysis is reasonable.
Key words:
- carrier-based aircraft /
- ski-jump ramp /
- ski-jump takeoff
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