Abstract:With the development of key technologies about more/all electric aircraft, electro-hydrostatic actuator (EHA) is widely applied in aircraft actuation system. Dual-redundancy electro-hydrostatic actuator (DREHA) is easy to realize effortless redundancy design, and improve the reliability of its use in aircraft. The structure of a novel DREHA is presented, and then the working principle and the intrinsic force fighting phenomenon are analyzed. Ideally, the force fighting disappears by flow compensation. Simulating model cannot be identical with the actual DREHA system completely, so the parameter error is set factitiously in model, and a big force fighting is observed again. Aimed at the phenomenon of force fighting, force difference compensation control and cross-coupling control are proposed to eliminate force fighting based on the pressure of two channels. The results of co-simulation based on MATLAB and AMESim indicate that the controller designed to eliminate force fighting can strongly decrease the amplitude of force fighting and improve the system response speed greatly.
表 1 DREHA系统参数
Table 1. Parameters of DREHA system
参数 数值 电机最大转速ωmax/(r·min-1) 10 000 柱塞泵排量qp/(cc·r-1) 1 无刷直流电机定子绕组电阻R/Ω 0.245 无刷直流电机定子绕组电感L/H 3.36×10-4 无刷直流电机电磁转矩系数Cm/(N·m·A-1) 0.215 无刷直流电机反电势系数Ce/(V·(rad·s-1)-1) 0.215 电机-泵的转动惯量J/(kg·m2) 1.6×10-3 电机-泵的阻尼系数B/(N·m·(rad·s-1)-1) 6.0×10-4 作动筒的总泄漏系数Csl/((m3·s-1)·Pa-1) 2.5×10-12 通道1活塞有效面积A1/m2 1.83×10-3 通道1系统容腔的总容积V1/m3 2.0×10-4 通道2活塞有效面积A2/m2 2.46×10-3 通道2系统容腔的总容积V2/m3 2.6×10-4 液压油的等效体积弹性模量Ey/(N·m-2) 6.86×108 活塞及负载的阻尼系数Bt/(N·(m·s-1)-1) 100 负载的弹簧刚度Kt/(N·m-1) 5×108 活塞及负载的惯性质量mt/kg 30 -
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