Measurement method of bubble behavior by optical probe in gas-liquid bubble column reactor
Abstract:Gas holdup, bubble velocity and bubble chord length in gas-liquid bubble column reactor were measured by using optical probe and conductive probe. It was shown that optical probe has rapid and marked step response to bubbles. When the probe signal data are converted into square wave, the ratio of the sampling points in gas phase to the total sampling points is the local gas holdup. Radial integral of local gas holdup is average gas holdup. Comparison among the gas holdups measured by pressure difference, optical probe and conductive probe shows that optical probe is more accurate than conductive probe. Modified optical probe was applied to gas-liquid bubble column reactor with high temperature, high pressure and organic solvent system. The radial profile of gas holdup was in the shape of parabolic. Gas holdup was lower at center and wall, higher at two-fifth of the radius. These shows that optical probe is suitable for the measurement of bubble behavior in high temperature, high pressure, organic system.
Key words:
- optical probe /
- signal identification /
- gas holdup /
- bubble velocity /
- bubble chord length
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