D -Markov机整合模型。经实例验证,该方法与传统支持向量回归模型的稳定性接近,但精确程度显著提高。-
- 混合建模 /
- 支持向量回归(SVR) /
- D-Markov机 /
- 小波 /
- 数据驱动的建模
Abstract:As computing power increases in recent years, data-driven modeling method receives much attention. Modeling methods to analyze quantitative behavior of systems with single mode have been researched much. However, most systems have multiple modes which own different continuous behavior and are influenced by continuous state when switching. This paper proposes the empirical probabilistic hybrid automata model and the qualitative and quantitative hybrid modeling method based on support vector regression (SVR).First, switching points between modes are recognized via wavelet and then the SVR sub-models are constructed for each mode. Finally, all sub-models are integrated within
D -Markov machine. The example verification results demonstrate that the proposed method is as stable as traditional SVR model, and much more accurate than it.-
Key words:
- hybrid modeling /
- support vector regression (SVR) /
- D-Markov machine /
- wavelet /
- data-driven modeling
表 1 SVR与EPHA均方误差
Table 1. Mean square error of SVR and EPHA
序号 均方误差 SVR EPHA 1 0.089 6 0.071 6 2 0.094 5 0.067 9 3 0.094 4 0.072 8 4 0.091 6 0.073 3 5 0.093 5 0.071 8 6 0.089 6 0.072 2 7 0.091 2 0.070 1 8 0.094 2 0.071 6 9 0.093 5 0.068 7 10 0.094 5 0.072 2 方差 3.95×10-6 3.11×10-6 均值 0.092 7 0.071 2 -
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