Abstract:The attitude update rate is one of the most important performance indexes of the star sensor. With the application of the large array image detector, the processing speed of the traditional star extraction method has become the main bottleneck of the update rate. Given that, a multichannel fast star centroid extraction method is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the information fusion technology based on the effective length of the target in the scanning direction is proposed to realize the correct information fusion of various shapes of boundary targets. Secondly, the dynamic dual-pointer cyclic mapping technology is utilized to recycle the memory resources occupied by invalid information, thus greatly improving the utilization efficiency of the memory resources. Finally, the experimental test is carried out to verify the performance of the proposed method, and the performance is compared and analyzed with that of the traditional single channel method on the same field-programmable gate array (FPGA) chip. The experimental results show that the processing speed of the proposed method is about 3.6 times as high as that of the traditional single channel method, while the memory resource used by the proposed method is merely about 40% of that used by the multichannel method which is directly extended by the traditional single channel method. Thus the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method are verified.
表 1 3种方法的FPGA资源使用情况
Table 1. FPGA resource usage of three methods
方法 资源类型 已使用 总数量 使用率/
质心方法Slice Registers 126 19 200 0.7 Slice LUTs 474 19 200 2.5 Block RAM/FIFO 12 32 37.5 基于本文方法的
改进单路法Slice Registers 520 19 200 2.7 Slice LUTs 1 347 19 200 7.0 Block RAM/FIFO 5 32 15.6 四路法 Slice Registers 1 617 19 200 8.4 Slice LUTs 5 005 19 200 26.1 Block RAM/FIFO 19 32 59.4 表 2 3种方法的处理速度
Table 2. Processing speed of three methods
图帧率/Hz传统单路质心方法 84.474 20.1 基于本文方法的改进单路法 90.171 21.5 四路法 75.786 72.3 -
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