Abstract:In order to improve the adaptability of the bionic adhesive device to target motion parameters when capturing non-cooperative objects in space, a 3-degree-of-freedom series compliant joint is designed. When the joints are embedded in the system, the device can passively adapt to the moving object posture through the coordinated movement of the joints. Meanwhile, the kinetic energy of the target is gradually reduced based on the joints' compliant mechanism consisting of springs, dampers and their energy dissipation function. In order to verify and optimize the joints' performance, a kinematics and dynamics model are established for bionic adhesive device's capture process based on compliant joints using virtual prototyping software ADAMS. The effects of spring stiffness coefficient and damping coefficient on the capture state of non-cooperative objects in the three groups of compliant joints are analyzed. By the ADAMS and iSIGHT co-simulation method, a multi-island genetic algorithm is used to optimize the spring stiffness and damping coefficient of compliant joints. Through parameter optimization, the energy dissipation effect of the bionic adhesive device compliant joints is improved. The motion parameters of the target that can be captured reach the specified envelope range.
表 1 零件关键物理参数
Table 1. Parts' key physical parameters
零件 质量/kg 绕质心转动惯量/(kg·mm2) 基座 224.67 3.27×106 平移滑块 1.80×10-2 2.37 连杆1 0.29 0.28 连杆2+附着机构框架 0.562 13.65 目标物 31.37 1.58×105 表 2 接触和摩擦模型参数
Table 2. Contact and friction model parameters
参数 数值 材料等效刚度k/(N·mm-1) 100 000 非线性指数e 2.2 材料最大等效阻尼系数Cmax /(N·s·mm-1) 10 构件最大变形深度dmax/mm 0.1 静摩擦系数μs 0.3 动摩擦系数μd 0.1 静摩擦临界速度vs/(mm·s-1) 100 动摩擦临界速度vd/(mm·s-1) 1 000 表 3 柔顺单元相关参数
Table 3. Related parameters of compliant units
参数 数值 平移关节压缩弹簧刚度系数/(N·mm-1) 0.1 平移关节黏滞阻尼系数/(N·s·mm-1) 0.1 转动关节1旋转弹簧刚度系数/(N·mm·(°)-1) 0.1 转动关节1黏滞阻尼系数/(N·mm·s·(°)-1) 0.1 转动关节2旋转弹簧刚度系数/(N·mm·(°)-1) 0.1 转动关节2黏滞阻尼系数/(N·mm·s·(°)-1) 0.1 表 4 目标物运动参数
Table 4. Target motion parameters
参数 数值 线速度/(m·s-1) 0.1 角速度/((°)·s-1) 0.1 偏航角/(°) 20 表 5 设计变量范围
Table 5. Design variable range
变量 变化区间 平移关节压缩弹簧刚度系数x1/(N·mm-1) [0, 1] 平移关节黏滞阻尼系数x2/(N·s ·mm-1) [0, 1] 转动关节1旋转弹簧刚度系数x3/(N·mm·(°)-1) [0, 1.5] 转动关节1黏滞阻尼系数x4/(N·mm·s·(°)-1) [0, 1.5] 转动关节2旋转弹簧刚度系数x5/(N·mm·(°)-1) [0, 1.5] 转动关节2黏滞阻尼系数x6/(N·mm·s·(°)-1) [0, 1.5] 表 6 优化变量对比
Table 6. Optimized variable comparison
变量 初始值 优化值 x1/(N·mm-1) 0.1 0.103 66 x2/(N·s ·mm-1) 0.1 0.897 07 x3/(N·mm·(°)-1) 0.1 0.176 26 x4/(N·mm·s·(°)-1) 0.1 0.211 61 x5/(N·mm·(°)-1) 0.1 0.117 29 x6/(N·mm·s·(°)-1) 0.1 0.397 71 表 7 优化目标对比
Table 7. Optimization target comparison
参数 优化前 优化后 目标物初始动能/mJ 156.85 156.85 目标物残余动能/mJ 139.51 108.58 动能耗散量/mJ 17.34 48.27 对齐角速度/((°)·s-1) 1.8 4.9 -
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