Integrated planning method and optimization for off-chip time-triggered communication
Abstract:As the processing capacity of system-on-chip (SoC) is getting close to the traditional integrated core processing module, the avionics system is developing towards the miniature, integrated off-chip system. Time-triggered switched interconnection can guarantee the strictly time deterministic property of off-chip message transmission. Considering the off-chip interconnection characteristics of lightweight switch structure and limited port number on a chip, an integrated planning method for off-chip time-triggered communication was proposed under the condition of interaction among topology planning, routing and scheduling. Given time-triggered message sets and port configuration, the off-chip interconnection network topology, message routing and scheduling table were obtained at the same time. Then the message allocation order is optimized using immune algorithm to further improve the performance of the algorithm. The simulation results show that, compared with the integrated planning method without consideration of overall optimization, the optimized method reduced the congestion on message transmission paths, reduced the message end-to-end delay and increased the schedulability of message sets while generating the off-chip interconnection topology with low costs.
表 1 消息集合示例
Table 1. Example of message set
消息编号 周期/μs 长度/Byte 源节点 目的节点 1 400 23 1 4 2 400 683 2 4 3 100 433 3 4 4 400 1 429 1 2 5 100 183 2 4 6 400 233 1 5 7 200 483 2 6 8 50 43 2 1 9 100 124 5 3 10 400 345 6 2 表 2 实验组别参数
Table 2. Parameters of experimental groups
消息组别 芯片个数 消息个数 消息长度范围/ Byte 周期范围/μs 1 6 10~40 23~1 483 50~400 2 8 10~40 14~1 468 50~400 3 10 10~40 13~1 454 50~400 4 12 10~40 11~1 465 50~400 5 14 10~40 35~1 457 50~400 表 3 优化TRS综合规划方法和增量化SMT方法可调度性对比
Table 3. Schedulability comparison between optimized TRS and incremental SMT
消息组别 增量化SMT方法消息个数 优化TRS综合规划方法消息个数 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 消息组别1(6芯片个数) √ × × × √ √ √ √ 消息组别2(8芯片个数) √ √ √ × √ √ √ √ 消息组别3(10芯片个数) √ √ √ × √ √ √ √ 消息组别4(12芯片个数) √ √ × × √ √ √ √ 消息组别5(14芯片个数) √ √ × × √ √ √ √ -
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