Hygrothermal property of domestic carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composites for aeronautic application
Abstract:For a kind of domestic T700-grade carbon fiber and four types of bismaleimide resin (QY9611, 5429, QY9512, QY8911-4) used in aeronautic field, three hydrothermal conditions, including 100℃ boiling water, 70℃ water immersion and 70℃/85% relative humidity, were adopted to treat these unidirectional composite laminates. Moisture absorption content, diffusion coefficient, microstructure, chemical groups, resistance to temperature and mechanical property were studied to evaluate hydrothermal property of composite. The results show that the moisture absorption of the four types of composites under the three conditions all follows Fick's second law. Moisture equilibrium content and diffusion coefficient are the largest under boiling water condition, while they are the least under the condition of 70℃/85% relative humidity. Obvious differences on the speeds of moisture absorption among the four bismaleimide composites have the relationship with material type and molding method. Hydrothermal treatment does not result in damage inside composite and chemical change, and the resulting plasticization effect results in decrease in glass transition temperature. The test results of 90° tensile properties of the composites show that the coupling of elevated temperature and moisture absorption causes more serious degradation in composite's mechanical property, and its failure mode transforms from matrix cracking to debonding and fracture at interface region.
Key words:
- composite /
- carbon fiber /
- bismaleimide resin /
- hydrothermal treatment /
- moisture absorption
表 1 碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料单向层板基本信息
Table 1. Basic information of carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composite unidirectional laminates
规格种类 成型工艺 材料形式 生产厂家 T700级JH碳纤维/QY9611树脂 热压罐 单向预浸料 中航复合材料有限责任公司 T700级JH碳纤维/5429树脂 热压罐 单向预浸料 T700级JH碳纤维/QY9512树脂 RFI(树脂膜熔渗) 单向织物+树脂膜 T700级JH碳纤维/QY8911-4树脂 RTM(树脂传递模塑) 单向织物+树脂 表 2 不同湿热条件下4种T700级JH碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料平衡吸湿量和平衡时间
Table 2. Equilibrium moisture absorption content and balance time of four kinds of T700-grade JH carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composite under different hygrothermal conditions
处理方式 平衡吸湿量/% 平衡时间/h JH/QY8911-4 JH/QY9512 JH/5429 JH/QY9611 100℃水煮 1.50 1.32 1.02 0.94 130 70℃水浸 1.24 1.16 0.95 0.90 390 70℃/85%相对湿度 0.86 0.81 0.70 0.61 ≤850 表 3 不同湿热条件下4种T700级JH碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料扩散系数
Table 3. Diffusion coefficient of four kinds of T700-grade JH carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composite under different hygrothermal conditions
材料体系 处理方式 Dz/(mm2·s-1) JH/QY9611 100℃水煮 1.68×10-6 70℃水浸 8.86×10-7 70℃/85%相对湿度 1.79×10-7 JH/5429 100℃水煮 2.19×10-6 70℃水浸 1.01×10-6 70℃/85%相对湿度 3.15×10-7 JH/QY9512 100℃水煮 2.23×10-6 70℃水浸 9.78×10-7 70℃/85%相对湿度 4.04×10-7 JH/QY8911-4 100℃水煮 2.36×10-6 70℃水浸 1.19×10-6 70℃/85%相对湿度 2.03×10-7 表 4 复合材料层板纤维体积分数和孔隙率
Table 4. Fiber volume fraction and porosity of composite laminate
材料体系 纤维体积分数/% 孔隙率/% JH/QY8911-4 60.49 0.11 JH/QY9512 60.54 0.12 JH/5429 64.93 0.11 JH/QY9611 64.27 0.12 表 5 70℃水浸390 h前后4种T700级JH碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料玻璃化转变温度
Table 5. Glass transition temperature of four kinds of T700-grade JH carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composite before and after 70℃ water immersion for 390 h
材料体系 玻璃化转变温度/℃ 变化率/% 干态 湿态 JH/QY9611 236 184 28.3 JH/5429 234 182 28.6 JH/QY9512 235 202 16.3 JH/QY8911-4 258 218 18.3 -
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