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徐伟伟 文友谊 顾轶卓 李博 涂家祎 张佐光

徐伟伟, 文友谊, 顾轶卓, 等 . 航空用国产碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料湿热特性[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2020, 46(1): 86-94. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0155
引用本文: 徐伟伟, 文友谊, 顾轶卓, 等 . 航空用国产碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料湿热特性[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2020, 46(1): 86-94. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0155
XU Weiwei, WEN Youyi, GU Yizhuo, et al. Hygrothermal property of domestic carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composites for aeronautic application[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2020, 46(1): 86-94. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0155(in Chinese)
Citation: XU Weiwei, WEN Youyi, GU Yizhuo, et al. Hygrothermal property of domestic carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composites for aeronautic application[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2020, 46(1): 86-94. doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0155(in Chinese)


doi: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2019.0155

国家自然科学基金 U1664250


    徐伟伟  男, 硕士, 工程师。主要研究方向:复合材料制造技术

    顾轶卓  男, 博士, 副教授。主要研究方向:树脂基复合材料



  • 中图分类号: V258+.3;TB332

Hygrothermal property of domestic carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composites for aeronautic application


National Natural Science Foundation of China U1664250

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  • 图 1  不同湿热条件下4种T700级JH碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料单向层板的吸湿曲线

    Figure 1.  Moisture absorption curves of four kinds of T700-grade JH carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composite unidirectional laminates under different hygrothermal conditions

    图 2  相同湿热条件下4种T700级JH碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料单向层板吸湿曲线

    Figure 2.  Moisture absorption curves of four kinds of T700-grade JH carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composite unidirectional laminates under the same hygrothermal condition

    图 3  吸湿后复合材料单向层板100倍率金相照片

    Figure 3.  Metallographic photos of 100 times magnification of composite unidirectional laminates after moisture absorption

    图 4  吸湿后复合材料单向层板500倍率金相照片

    Figure 4.  Metallographic photos of 500 times magnification of composite unidirectional laminates after moisture absorption

    图 5  4种T700级JH碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料湿热处理前后红外光谱图对比

    Figure 5.  Comparison of infrared spectra of four kinds of T700-grade JH carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composite before and after hygrothermal treatment

    图 6  70℃水浸前后23℃及150℃下4种T700级JH碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料90°拉伸性能

    Figure 6.  90° tensile property of four kinds of T700-grade JH carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composite at 23℃ and 150℃ before and after 70℃ water immersion

    图 7  4种T700级JH碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料90°拉伸断面形貌

    Figure 7.  Fracture morphology of four kinds of T700-grade JH carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composite after 90° tensile testing

    表  1  碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料单向层板基本信息

    Table  1.   Basic information of carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composite unidirectional laminates

    规格种类 成型工艺 材料形式 生产厂家
    T700级JH碳纤维/QY9611树脂 热压罐 单向预浸料 中航复合材料有限责任公司
    T700级JH碳纤维/5429树脂 热压罐 单向预浸料
    T700级JH碳纤维/QY9512树脂 RFI(树脂膜熔渗) 单向织物+树脂膜
    T700级JH碳纤维/QY8911-4树脂 RTM(树脂传递模塑) 单向织物+树脂
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    表  2  不同湿热条件下4种T700级JH碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料平衡吸湿量和平衡时间

    Table  2.   Equilibrium moisture absorption content and balance time of four kinds of T700-grade JH carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composite under different hygrothermal conditions

    处理方式 平衡吸湿量/% 平衡时间/h
    JH/QY8911-4 JH/QY9512 JH/5429 JH/QY9611
    100℃水煮 1.50 1.32 1.02 0.94 130
    70℃水浸 1.24 1.16 0.95 0.90 390
    70℃/85%相对湿度 0.86 0.81 0.70 0.61 ≤850
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    表  3  不同湿热条件下4种T700级JH碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料扩散系数

    Table  3.   Diffusion coefficient of four kinds of T700-grade JH carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composite under different hygrothermal conditions

    材料体系 处理方式 Dz/(mm2·s-1)
    JH/QY9611 100℃水煮 1.68×10-6
    70℃水浸 8.86×10-7
    70℃/85%相对湿度 1.79×10-7
    JH/5429 100℃水煮 2.19×10-6
    70℃水浸 1.01×10-6
    70℃/85%相对湿度 3.15×10-7
    JH/QY9512 100℃水煮 2.23×10-6
    70℃水浸 9.78×10-7
    70℃/85%相对湿度 4.04×10-7
    JH/QY8911-4 100℃水煮 2.36×10-6
    70℃水浸 1.19×10-6
    70℃/85%相对湿度 2.03×10-7
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    表  4  复合材料层板纤维体积分数和孔隙率

    Table  4.   Fiber volume fraction and porosity of composite laminate

    材料体系 纤维体积分数/% 孔隙率/%
    JH/QY8911-4 60.49 0.11
    JH/QY9512 60.54 0.12
    JH/5429 64.93 0.11
    JH/QY9611 64.27 0.12
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    表  5  70℃水浸390 h前后4种T700级JH碳纤维/双马树脂复合材料玻璃化转变温度

    Table  5.   Glass transition temperature of four kinds of T700-grade JH carbon fiber/bismaleimide resin composite before and after 70℃ water immersion for 390 h

    材料体系 玻璃化转变温度/℃ 变化率/%
    干态 湿态
    JH/QY9611 236 184 28.3
    JH/5429 234 182 28.6
    JH/QY9512 235 202 16.3
    JH/QY8911-4 258 218 18.3
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