Design and test of the ejection emergency flight data recording and tracking system
Abstract:The ejection emergency flight data recording and tracking system consists of the intelligent ejection separation, tow-type image tracking, inflatable soft-landing and data transmitting. In this paper, the key subsystem design and UAV test verification are carried out. According to the characteristics of the parachute-airbag module, the variation of the canopy drag coefficient in the airbag wake region is analyzed. The results show that the radius of the airbag and the nominal diameter of the canopy are the main factors affecting the canopy drag coefficient. The canopy drag coefficient decreases with the increase of the radius of airbag, and increases with the increase of the nominal diameter of the canopy. Based on the aerodynamic analysis and the numerical simulation, the canopy drag coefficient formula is obtained. Meanwhile, the full functions are achieved by UAV test, and it is proved that the system scheme is reasonable and feasible. It provides an important reference for the subsequent engineering application.
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