Numerical Investigation on Radiation of Enclosure Containing Non-Uniform Radiative Gas
摘要: 文章发展了求解积分辐射传输方程组的方法来计算充满非均匀辐射性气体封闭腔的辐射特性的方法,讨论了辐射空间分布及光谱分布的计算方法,并编制了相应的计算机程序.计算了某型发动机轴对称喷管的辐射分布,并与采用通常的辐射换热经验公式的计算结果进行了比较.Abstract: To calculate the infrared radiation characteristics of an enclosure containing inhomogeneous radiative gas, a method was developed by resolving the integral equations of radiative transfer. Attention was also focused on how to calculate the spatial distribution and the spectral distribution of radiation by computer. As an example, the radiation of one type of axial symmetrical nozzle was reported and compared with the result obtained from a traditional method for calculating radiant heat transfer.
Key words:
- cavities /
- gas radiation /
- infrared radiation
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