Domain-oriented simulation designing and modeling tool
摘要: 讨论了面向领域的仿真设计建模工具SIMDEMO的设计和实现.基于透明性、正交性、层次性的视图分解原理,对处于不同阶段、面向不同用户、涉及不同方面的系统模型采用多视图进行分解,建立了以多视图为核心理念的系统协同建模方法,给出了该建模方法下建模所需遵循的过程指导.针对领域模型描述、表示以及操作等多个方面对工具重构的需求,研究得到了基于元对象反射模型的工具架构;架构具有良好适应性,使得工具重构更灵活、简捷.对SIMDEMO的功能结构进行了简介,给出了系统实现方案.最后,将SIMDEMO与典型同类工具作了比较.Abstract: The design and implementation of the domain-oriented designing and modeling tool, SIMDEMO, were discussed. A cooperative modeling methodology supporting multi-views modeling was built by decomposing system models which involve various modeling stages, users, aspects into multi-views based on principles of transparency, orthogonality and hiberarchy, and the guidelines for the modeling processes were also presented. In consideration of the different needs for the description, representation and operation of the models in different domains, a reflective architecture based on the meta-object model was built; The architecture has good adaptability, and can make the customization of the tool more flexible and concise. The system structure and functions were introduced briefly, and the software implementation was presented. At last, SIMDEMO was compared with the similar representative tools.
Key words:
- modeling-tool /
- domain-oriented /
- simulation /
- multi-views /
- reflection
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